Capital Alphabet with Serifs
A: Swingset frame. Hang glider.
B: Boobs top view.
C: Boppy pillow. Empty hug. The moon.
D: Handle on tub need two.
E: Business end of a pitch fork.
F: Mail box and awning.
G: Ergonomic office chair.
H: Two frat guys with their penises taped together.
I: Pillar from the Parthenon. Skinny girl.
J: Fishing hook just below the surface.
K: An arrow and its destination.
L: Toddler in front of TV.
M: Bridge broken in the middle.
N: Poorly placed slide.
O: Wading pool. Fruit loop. Tire swing.
P: Breast implants profile.
Q: Wheel with a brake. Sleeping cat rear view.
R: Dancer with pointed toe.
S: Snake set to strike.
T: Scaffolding for power lines.
U: Swing empty
V: Girl at the gym with a six pack.
W: Cartoon camel stuck on his back.
X: Cheerleader in the air.
Y: Worshipper.
Z: A piece of lightning.
Kim Groninga, Poetry East, 2011
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